St. Aidan CYO, strives to create a safe environment for all our parish and community members. As directed by the 'Diocese of Rockville Centre - Office for the Protection of Children and Young People,' all St. Rose CYO volunteers must comply with the U.S. parish and diocese safety practices and guidelines.
Click here to access the Virtus website and complete the following requirements:
Attend Virtus - Protecting God's Children Program (one time requirement).
All volunteers, this includes scorekeepers, line judges or any type of adult assisting at a practice, or event, must complete virtus training.
All coaches must complete Virtus Training and Certification as stated above.
Coaches Sanctioning Workshop: CYO requires all coaches, who have not previously done so, attend a Mandatory Coaches Sanctioning Workshop. Coaches that are not sanctioned will not be able to participate in the postseason. All non sanctioned coaches will not be permitted to coach until sanctioned by CYO. CYOLI announces all coaching workshops prior to the season.
CPR and AED Training- NY State requires that someone certified in the administration of CPR and an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) be present at every practice and game. Head coaches will be asked to complete CPR/AED training and provide certification. Organizations that offer full certification include but are not limited to the American Heart Association or Red Cross. When possible, St. Aidan CYO will offer opportunities for certification.
**** Certification must include completion of in-person skills component.****